A forward-backward penalty scheme with inertial effects for montone inclusions. Applications to convex bilevel programming

We investigate forward-backward splitting algorithm of penalty type with inertial effects for finding the zeros of the sum of a maximally monotone operator and a cocoercive one and the convex normal cone to the set of zeroes of an another cocoercive operator. Weak ergodic convergence is obtained for the iterates, provided that a condition express … Read more

Forward-Backward and Tseng’s Type Penalty Schemes for Monotone Inclusion Problems

We deal with monotone inclusion problems of the form $0\in Ax+Dx+N_C(x)$ in real Hilbert spaces, where $A$ is a maximally monotone operator, $D$ a cocoercive operator and $C$ the nonempty set of zeros of another cocoercive operator. We propose a forward-backward penalty algorithm for solving this problem which extends the one proposed by H. Attouch, … Read more

The kernel average for two convex functions and its application to the extension and representation of monotone operators

We provide and analyze a based average for two convex functions, based on a kernel function. It covers several known averages such as the arithmetic average, epigraphical average, and the proximal average. When applied to the Fitzpatrick function and the conjugate of Fitzpatrick function associated with a monotone operator, our average produces an autoconjugate (also … Read more