Factorization of completely positive matrices using iterative projected gradient steps

We aim to factorize a completely positive matrix by using an optimization approach which consists in the minimization of a nonconvex smooth function over a convex and compact set. To solve this problem we propose a projected gradient algorithm with parameters that take into account the effects of relaxation and inertia. Both projection and gradient … Read more

Variable smoothing for convex optimization problems using stochastic gradients

We aim to solve a structured convex optimization problem, where a nonsmooth function is composed with a linear operator. When opting for full splitting schemes, usually, primal-dual type methods are employed as they are effective and also well studied. However, under the additional assumption of Lipschitz continuity of the nonsmooth function which is composed with … Read more

The Proximal Alternating Minimization Algorithm for two-block separable convex optimization problems with linear constraints

The Alternating Minimization Algorithm (AMA) has been proposed by Tseng to solve convex programming problems with two-block separable linear constraints and objectives, whereby (at least) one of the components of the latter is assumed to be strongly convex. The fact that one of the subproblems to be solved within the iteration process of AMA does … Read more

A proximal minimization algorithm for structured nonconvex and nonsmooth problems

We propose a proximal algorithm for minimizing objective functions consisting of three summands: the composition of a nonsmooth function with a linear operator, another nonsmooth function, each of the nonsmooth summands depending on an independent block variable, and a smooth function which couples the two block variables. The algorithm is a full splitting method, which … Read more

A second order dynamical approach with variable damping to nonconvex smooth minimization

We investigate a second order dynamical system with variable damping in connection with the minimization of a nonconvex differentiable function. The dynamical system is formulated in the spirit of the differential equation which models Nesterov’s accelerated convex gradient method. We show that the generated trajectory converges to a critical point, if a regularization of the … Read more

A forward-backward penalty scheme with inertial effects for montone inclusions. Applications to convex bilevel programming

We investigate forward-backward splitting algorithm of penalty type with inertial effects for finding the zeros of the sum of a maximally monotone operator and a cocoercive one and the convex normal cone to the set of zeroes of an another cocoercive operator. Weak ergodic convergence is obtained for the iterates, provided that a condition express … Read more

The proximal alternating direction method of multipliers in the nonconvex setting: convergence analysis and rates

We propose two numerical algorithms for minimizing the sum of a smooth function and the composition of a nonsmooth function with a linear operator in the fully nonconvex setting. The iterative schemes are formulated in the spirit of the proximal and, respectively, proximal linearized alternating direction method of multipliers. The proximal terms are introduced through … Read more

An incremental mirror descent subgradient algorithm with random sweeping and proximal step

We investigate the convergence properties of incremental mirror descent type subgradient algorithms for minimizing the sum of convex functions. In each step we only evaluate the subgradient of a single component function and mirror it back to the feasible domain, which makes iterations very cheap to compute. The analysis is made for a randomized selection … Read more

ADMM for monotone operators: convergence analysis and rates

We propose in this paper a unifying scheme for several algorithms from the literature dedicated to the solving of monotone inclusion problems involving compositions with linear continuous operators in infinite dimensional Hilbert spaces. We show that a number of primal-dual algorithms for monotone inclusions and also the classical ADMM numerical scheme for convex optimization problems, … Read more

Fixing and extending some recent results on the ADMM algorithm

We first point out several flaws in the recent paper {\it [R. Shefi, M. Teboulle: Rate of convergence analysis of decomposition methods based on the proximal method of multipliers for convex minimization, SIAM J. Optim. 24, 269–297, 2014]} that proposes two ADMM-type algorithms for solving convex optimization problems involving compositions with linear operators and show … Read more