Fully First-Order Methods for Decentralized Bilevel Optimization

This paper focuses on decentralized stochastic bilevel optimization (DSBO) where agents only communicate with their neighbors. We propose Decentralized Stochastic Gradient Descent and Ascent with Gradient Tracking (DSGDA-GT), a novel algorithm that only requires first-order oracles that are much cheaper than second-order oracles widely adopted in existing works. We further provide a finite-time convergence analysis … Read more

Second-order Guarantees of Distributed gradient Algorithms

We consider distributed smooth nonconvex unconstrained optimization over networks, modeled as a connected graph. We examine the behavior of distributed gradient-based algorithms near strict saddle points. Specifically, we establish that (i) the renowned Distributed Gradient Descent (DGD) algorithm likely converges to a neighborhood of a Second-order Stationary (SoS) solution; and (ii) the more recent class … Read more