Reduntant axioms in the definitionof Bregman functions

The definition of a Bregman function, given by Censor and Lent in 1981 on the basis of Bregman’s seminal 1967 paper, was subsequently used in a plethora of research works as a tool for building sequential and inherently parallel feasibility and optimization algorithms. Solodov and Svaiter have recently shown that it is not CitationJournal of … Read more

An Analysis of the EM Algorithm andEntropy-Like Proximal Point Methods

The EM algorithm is a popular method for maximum likelihood estimation from incomplete data. This method may be viewed as a proximal point method for maximizing the log-likelhood function using an integral form of the Kullback-Leibler distance function. Motivated by this interpretation, we consider a proximal point method using an integral form of entropy-like distance … Read more