Regret Minimization and Separation in Multi-Bidder Multi-Item Auctions

We study a robust auction design problem with a minimax regret objective, where a seller seeks a mechanism for selling multiple items to multiple bidders with additive values. The seller knows that the bidders’ values range over a box uncertainty set but has no information on their probability distribution. The robust auction design model we … Read more

Regret in the Newsvendor Model with Demand and Yield Randomness

We study the fundamental stochastic newsvendor model that considers both demand and yield randomness. It is usually difficult in practice to describe precisely the joint demand and yield distribution, although partial statistical information and empirical data about this ambiguous distribution are often accessible. We combat the issue of distributional ambiguity by taking a data-driven distributionally … Read more

Polynomial time algorithms for the Minimax Regret Uncapacitated Lot Sizing Model

We study the Minimax Regret Uncapacitated Lot Sizing (MRULS) model, where the production cost function and the demand are subject to uncertainty. We propose a polynomial time algorithm which solves the MRULS model in O(n^6) time. We improve this running time to O(n^5) when only the demand is uncertain, and to O(n^4) when only the … Read more