A prediction-based approach for online dynamic radiotherapy scheduling

Patient scheduling is a difficult task as it involves dealing with stochastic factors such as an unknown arrival flow of patients. Scheduling radiotherapy treatments for cancer patients faces a similar problem. Curative patients need to start their treatment within the recommended deadlines, i.e., 14 or 28 days after their admission while reserving treatment capacity for … Read more

Novel formulations for general and security Stackelberg games

In this paper we analyze general Stackelberg games (SGs) and Stackelberg security games (SSGs). SGs are hierarchical adversarial games where players select actions or strategies to optimize their payoffs in a sequential manner. SSGs are a type of SGs that arise in security applications, where the strategies of the player that acts first consist in … Read more

OR Counterparts to AI Planning

The term Planning is not used in Operations Research in the sense that is most common in Artificial Intelligence. AI Planning does have many features in common with OR scheduling, sequencing, routing, and assignment problems, however. Current approaches to solving such problems can be broadly classified into four areas: Combinatorial Optimization, Integer Programming, Constraint Programming, … Read more