Memory-Aware Parallelized RLT3 for Solving Quadratic Assignment Problems

We present a coarse-grain (outer-loop) parallel implementation of RLT1/2/3 (Level 1, 2, and 3 Reformulation and Linearization Technique—in that order) bound calculations for the QAP within a branch-and-bound procedure. For a search tree node of size S, each RLT3 and RLT2 bound calculation iteration is parallelized S ways, with each of S processors performing O(S5) … Read more

Exact Solution of Emerging Quadratic Assignment Problems

We report on a growing class of assignment problems that are increasingly of interest and very challenging in terms of the difficulty they pose to attempts at exact solution. These problems address economic issues in the location and design of factories, hospitals, depots, transportation hubs and military bases. Others involve improvements in communication network design. … Read more

A Level-3 Reformulation-linearization Technique Based Bound for the Quadratic Assignment Problem

We apply the level-3 Reformulation Linearization Technique (RLT3) to the Quadratic Assignment Problem (QAP). We then present our experience in calculating lower bounds using an essentially new algorithm, based on this RLT3 formulation. This algorithm is not guaranteed to calculate the RLT3 lower bound exactly, but approximates it very closely and reaches it in some … Read more