Improved Damped Quasi-Newton Methods for Unconstrained Optimization

Recently, Al-Baali (2014) has extended the damped-technique in the modified BFGS method of Powell (1978) for Lagrange constrained optimization functions to the Broyden family of quasi-Newton methods for unconstrained optimization. Appropriate choices for the damped-parameter, which maintain the global and superlinear con- vergence property of these methods on convex functions and correct the Hessian approximations … Read more

A Combined Class of Self-Scaling and Modified Quasi-Newton Methods

Techniques for obtaining safely positive definite Hessian approximations with self-scaling and modified quasi-Newton updates are combined to obtain `better’ curvature approximations in line search methods for unconstrained optimization. It is shown that this class of methods, like the BFGS method has global and superlinear convergence for convex functions. Numerical experiments with this class, using the … Read more

A Wide Interval for Efficient Self-Scaling Quasi-Newton Algorithms

This paper uses certain conditions for the global and superlinear convergence of the two-parameter self-scaling Broyden family of quasi-Newton algorithms for unconstraiend optimization to derive a wide interval for self-scaling updates. Numerical testing shows that such algorithms not only accelerate the convergence of the (unscaled) methods from the so-called convex class, but increase their chances … Read more

Extra-Updates Criterion for the Limited Memory BFGS Algorithm for Large Scale Nonlinear Optimization

This paper studies recent modifications of the limited memory BFGS (L-BFGS) method for solving large scale unconstrained optimization problems. Each modification technique attempts to improve the quality of the L-BFGS Hessian by employing (extra) updates in certain sense. Because at some iterations these updates might be redundant or worsen the quality of this Hessian, this … Read more