Split cuts in the plane
We provide a polynomial time cutting plane algorithm based on split cuts to solve integer programs in the plane. We also prove that the split closure of a polyhedron in the plane has polynomial size. ArticleDownload View PDF
We provide a polynomial time cutting plane algorithm based on split cuts to solve integer programs in the plane. We also prove that the split closure of a polyhedron in the plane has polynomial size. ArticleDownload View PDF
We investigate the theoretical complexity of branch-and-bound (BB) and cutting plane (CP) algorithms for mixed-integer optimization. In particular, we study the relative efficiency of BB and CP, when both are based on the same family of disjunctions. We extend a result of Dash to the nonlinear setting which shows that for convex 0/1 problems, CP … Read more
We consider the integer points in a unimodular cone K ordered by a lexicographic rule defined by a lattice basis. To each integer point x in K we associate a family of inequalities (lex-inequalities) that defines the convex hull of the integer points in K that are not lexicographically smaller than x. The family of … Read more
We study quantitative criteria for evaluating the strength of valid inequalities for Gomory and Johnson’s finite and infinite group models and we describe the valid inequalities that are optimal for these criteria. We justify and focus on the criterion of maximizing the volume of the nonnegative orthant cut off by a valid inequality. For the … Read more
The infinite models in integer programming can be described as the convex hull of some points or as the intersection of half-spaces derived from valid functions. In this paper we study the relationships between these two descriptions. Our results have implications for finite dimensional corner polyhedra. One consequence is that nonnegative continuous functions suffice to … Read more