Mathematical models for the kidney exchange problem with reserve arcs

The kidney exchange problem with reserve arcs (KEP-RA) is an extension of the classical kidney exchange problem in which one is allowed to select in the solution a limited number of arcs that do not belong to the compatibility graph. This problem is motivated by recent breakthroughs in the field of kidney transplantation involving immunosuppressants … Read more

A new matheuristic and improved instance generation for kidney exchange programmes

Kidney exchange programmes increase the rate of living donor kidney transplants, and operations research techniques are vital to such programmes. These techniques, as well as changes to policy regarding kidney exchange programmes, are often tested using random instances created by a Saidman generator. We devise a new matheuristic that can optimally solve a benchmark set … Read more

New algorithms for hierarchical optimisation in kidney exchange programmes

Kidney exchange programmes (KEPs) across the world help match donors and recipients to identify kidney transplantations. Almost all KEPs use a hierarchical set of objectives to determine an optimal set of transplants to perform, and integer linear programming is often used to find such optimal matchings. In this work, we identify the barriers in existing … Read more

Stability in the the Hospitals / Residents problem with Couples and Ties: Mathematical models and computational studies

In the well-known Hospitals/Residents problem (HR), the objective is to find a stable matching of doctors (or residents) to hospitals based on their preference lists. In this paper, we study HRCT, the extension of HR in which doctors are allowed to apply in couples, and in which doctors and hospitals can include ties in their … Read more

Improving solve times of stable matching problems through preprocessing

We present new theory, heuristics and algorithms for preprocessing instances of the Stable Marriage with Ties and Incomplete lists (SMTI), the Hospitals/Residents with Ties (HRT), and the Worker-Firms with Ties (WFT) problems. We show that instances of these problems can be preprocessed by removing from the preference lists of some agents entries that correspond to … Read more

Mathematical models for stable matching problems with ties and incomplete lists

We present new integer linear programming (ILP) models for NP-hard optimisation problems in instances of the Stable Marriage problem with Ties and Incomplete lists (SMTI) and its many-to-one generalisation, the Hospitals / Residents problem with Ties (HRT). These models can be used to efficiently solve these optimisation problems when applied to (i) instances derived from … Read more