BOBILib: Bilevel Optimization (Benchmark) Instance Library

In this report, we present the BOBILib, a collection of more than 2500~instances of mixed integer linear bilevel optimization problems. The goal of this library is to make a large and well-curated set of test instances freely available for the research community so that new and existing algorithms in bilevel optimization can be tested and … Read more

S2MPJ and CUTEst optimization problems for Matlab, Python and Julia

A new decoder for the SIF test problems of the \cutest\ collection is described, which produces problem files allowing the computation of values and derivatives of the objective function and constraints of most \cutest\ problems directly within “native” Matlab, Python or Julia, without any additional installation or interfacing with MEX files or Fortran programs. When … Read more

solar: A solar thermal power plant simulator for blackbox optimization benchmarking

This work introduces solar, a collection of  ten optimization problem instances for benchmarking blackbox optimization solvers. The instances present different design aspects of a concentrated solar power plant simulated by blackbox numerical models. The type of variables (discrete or continuous), dimensionality, and number and types of constraints (including hidden constraints)  differ across instances. Some are deterministic, others are stochastic … Read more

Nonconvex optimization problems involving the Euclidean norm: Challenges, progress, and opportunities

The field of global optimization has advanced significantly over the past three decades. Yet, the solution of even small instances of many nonconvex optimization problems involving the Euclidean norm to global optimality remains beyond the reach of modern global optimization methods. These problems include numerous well-known and high-impact open research questions from a diverse collection … Read more

A Sequential Benders-based Mixed-Integer Quadratic Programming Algorithm

For continuous decision spaces, nonlinear programs (NLPs) can be efficiently solved via sequential quadratic programming (SQP) and, more generally, sequential convex programming (SCP). These algorithms linearize only the nonlinear equality constraints and keep the outer convex structure of the problem intact, such as (conic) inequality constraints or convex objective terms. The aim of the presented … Read more

Solving low-rank semidefinite programs via manifold optimization

We propose a manifold optimization approach to solve linear semidefinite programs (SDP) with low-rank solutions. This approach incorporates the augmented Lagrangian method and the Burer-Monteiro factorization, and features the adaptive strategies for updating the factorization size and the penalty parameter. We prove that the present algorithm can solve SDPs to global optimality, despite of the … Read more

Effective matrix adaptation strategy for noisy derivative-free optimization

In this paper, we introduce a new effective matrix adaptation evolution strategy (MADFO) for noisy derivative-free optimization problems. Like every MAES solver, MADFO consists of three phases: mutation, selection and recombination. MADFO improves the mutation phase by generating good step sizes, neither too small nor too large, that increase the probability of selecting mutation points … Read more

Orbital Crossover

Symmetry in optimization has been known to wreak havoc in optimization algorithms. Often, some of the hardest instances are highly symmetric. This is not the case in linear programming, as symmetry allows one to reduce the size of the problem, possibly dramatically, while still maintaining the same optimal objective value. This is done by aggregating … Read more

Efficient composite heuristics for integer bound constrained noisy optimization

This paper discusses a composite algorithm for bound constrained noisy derivative-free optimization problems with integer variables. This algorithm is an integer variant of the matrix adaptation evolution strategy. An integer derivative-free line search strategy along affine scaling matrix directions is used to generate candidate points. Each affine scaling matrix direction is a product of the … Read more

OPM, a collection of Optimization Problems in Matlab

OPM is a small collection of CUTEst unconstrained and bound-constrained nonlinear optimization problems, which can be used in Matlab for testing optimization algorithms directly (i.e. without installing additional software). Article Download View OPM, a collection of Optimization Problems in Matlab