Distributionally robust optimization through the lens of submodularity

Distributionally robust optimization is used to solve decision making problems under adversarial uncertainty where the distribution of the uncertainty is itself ambiguous. In this paper, we identify a class of these instances that is solvable in polynomial time by viewing it through the lens of submodularity. We show that the sharpest upper bound on the … Read more

Tree Bounds for Sums of Bernoulli Random Variables: A Linear Optimization Approach

We study the problem of computing the tightest upper and lower bounds on the probability that the sum of n dependent Bernoulli random variables exceeds an integer k. Under knowledge of all pairs of bivariate distributions denoted by a complete graph, the bounds are NP-hard to compute. When the bivariate distributions are specified on a … Read more

Exploiting Partial Correlations in Distributionally Robust Optimization

In this paper, we identify partial correlation information structures that allow for simpler reformulations in evaluating the maximum expected value of mixed integer linear programs with random objective coefficients. To this end, assuming only the knowledge of the mean and the covariance matrix entries restricted to block-diagonal patterns, we develop a reduced semidefinite programming formulation, … Read more