Fixed point and Bregman iterative methods for matrix rank minimization

The linearly constrained matrix rank minimization problem is widely applicable in many fields such as control, signal processing and system identification. The linearly constrained nuclear norm minimization is a convex relaxation of this problem. Although it can be cast as a semidefinite programming problem, the nuclear norm minimization problem is expensive to solve when the … Read more

Interior-Point l_2 Penalty Methods for Nonlinear Programming with Strong Global Convergence Properties

We propose two line search primal-dual interior-point methods that approximately solve a equence of equality constrained barrier subproblems. To solve each subproblem, our methods apply a modified Newton method and use an $\ell_2$-exact penalty function to attain feasibility. Our methods have strong global convergence properties under standard assumptions. Specifically, if the penalty parameter remains bounded, … Read more