Democratization of Complex-Problem Solving to Enhance Participation, Transparency, Accountability, and Fairness: An Optimization Perspective

Operations in critical areas of importance to society, such as healthcare, transportation and logistics, power systems, and emergency response, profoundly affect multiple stakeholders with diverse perspectives. These operations are often modeled using discrete programming methods to capture the various decision-making factors through centrally-selected objectives and constraints. Unfortunately, centralized modeling and solution methodologies may overlook the … Read more

Toward Efficient Transportation Electrification of Heavy-Duty Trucks: Joint Scheduling of Truck Routing and Charging

The timely transportation of goods to customers is an essential component of economic activities. However, heavy-duty diesel trucks that deliver goods contribute significantly to greenhouse gas emissions within many large metropolitan areas, including Los Angeles, New York, and San Francisco. To facilitate freight electrification, this paper proposes joint routing and charging (JRC) scheduling for electric … Read more