A Dynamic Strategic Plan for the Transition to a Clean Bus Fleet using Multi-Stage Stochastic Programming with a Case Study in Istanbul

In recent years, the transition to clean bus fleets has accelerated. Although this transition might bring environmental and economic benefits, it requires a long-term strategic plan due to the large investment costs involved. This paper proposes a multi-stage stochastic program to optimize strategic plans for the clean bus fleet transition that explicitly considers the uncertainty … Read more

Integrated Optimization of Timetabling and Electric Vehicle Scheduling: A Case Study of Aachen, Germany

We tackle the integrated planning problem of periodic timetabling and electric vehicle scheduling, crucial for cities transitioning to electric bus fleets. Given existing timetables, we allow only minor modifications and propose an iterative solution approach that addresses the Electric Vehicle Scheduling Problem (EVSP) in each iteration. Due to the NP-hard nature of EVSP, we employ … Read more

Energy-efficient Timetables for Railway Traffic: Incorporating DC Power Models

Efficient operation of underground railway systems is critical not only for maintaining punctual service but also for minimizing energy consumption, a key factor in reducing operational costs and environmental impact. To evaluate the energy consumption of the timetables, this paper delves into the development of mathematical models to accurately represent energy dynamics within the underground … Read more

Forecasting Urban Traffic States with Sparse Data Using Hankel Temporal Matrix Factorization

Forecasting urban traffic states is crucial to transportation network monitoring and management, playing an important role in the decision-making process. Despite the substantial progress that has been made in developing accurate, efficient, and reliable algorithms for traffic forecasting, most existing approaches fail to handle sparsity, high-dimensionality, and nonstationarity in traffic time series and seldom consider … Read more

Equity-Driven Workload Allocation for Crowdsourced Last-Mile Delivery

Crowdshipping, a rapidly growing approach in Last-Mile Delivery (LMD), relies on independent crowdworkers for delivery orders. Building a sustainable network of crowdshippers is essential for the survival and growth of such systems, while their participation is primarily motivated by fair pay. Additionally, the financial well-being of crowdworkers is sensitive to fair compensation, especially for those … Read more

A Toll-Setting Problem with Robust Wardrop Equilibrium Conditions Under Budgeted Uncertainty

We consider the problem of determining optimal tolls in a traffic network in which a toll-setting authority aims to maximize revenues and the users of the network act in the sense of Wardrop’s user equilibrium. The setting is modeled as a mathematical problem with equilibrium constraints and a mixed-integer, nonlinear, and nonconvex reformulation is presented … Read more

Incorporating Service Reliability in Multi-depot Vehicle Scheduling: A Chance-Constrained Approach

The multi-depot vehicle scheduling problem (MDVSP) is a critical planning challenge for transit agencies. We introduce a novel approach to MDVSP by incorporating service reliability through chance-constrained programming (CCP), targeting the pivotal issue of travel time uncertainty and its impact on transit service quality. Our model guarantees service reliability measured by on-time performance (OTP), a … Read more

Relay-Hub Network Design for Consolidation Planning Under Demand Variability

Problem description: We study the problem of designing large-scale resilient relay logistics hub networks. We propose a model of Capacitated Relay Network Design under Stochastic Demand and Consolidation-Based Routing (CRND-SDCR), which aims to improve a network’s efficiency and resilience against commodity demand variability through integrating tactical decisions. Methodology: We formulate CRND-SDCR as a two-stage stochastic … Read more

The Multi-Stop Station Location Problem: Exact Approaches

The multi-stop station location problem (MSLP) aims to place stations such that a set of trips is feasible with respect to length bounds while minimizing cost. Each trip consists of a sequence of stops that must be visited in a given order, and a length bound that controls the maximum length that is possible without … Read more

Robust Drone Delivery with Weather Information

Problem definition: Drone delivery has recently garnered significant attention due to its potential for faster delivery at a lower cost than other delivery options. When scheduling drones from a depot for delivery to various destinations, the dispatcher must take into account the uncertain wind conditions, which affect the delivery times of drones to their destinations, … Read more