Universal nonmonotone line search method for nonconvex multiobjective optimization problems with convex constraints

\(\) In this work we propose a general nonmonotone line-search method for nonconvex multi-objective optimization problems with convex constraints. At the \(k\)th iteration, the degree of nonmonotonicity is controlled by a vector \(\nu_{k}\) with nonnegative components. Different choices for \(\nu_{k}\) lead to different nonmonotone step-size rules. Assuming that the sequence \(\left\{\nu_{k}\right\}_{k\geq 0}\) is summable, and … Read more

Mixed-Integer Linear Optimization for Cardinality-Constrained Random Forests

Random forests are among the most famous algorithms for solving classification problems, in particular for large-scale data sets. Considering a set of labeled points and several decision trees, the method takes the majority vote to classify a new given point. In some scenarios, however, labels are only accessible for a proper subset of the given … Read more

Mixed-Integer Linear Optimization for Semi-Supervised Optimal Classification Trees

Decision trees are one of the most famous methods for solving classification problems, mainly because of their good interpretability properties. Moreover, due to advances in recent years in mixed-integer optimization, several models have been proposed to formulate the problem of computing optimal classification trees. The goal is, given a set of labeled points, to split … Read more

Mixed-Integer Quadratic Optimization and Iterative Clustering Techniques for Semi-Supervised Support Vector Machines

Among the most famous algorithms for solving classification problems are support vector machines (SVMs), which find a separating hyperplane for a set of labeled data points. In some applications, however, labels are only available for a subset of points. Furthermore, this subset can be non-representative, e.g., due to self-selection in a survey. Semi-supervised SVMs tackle … Read more