Convergence analysis of an inexact relaxed augmented Lagrangian method

In this paper, we develop an Inexact Relaxed Augmented Lagrangian Method (IR-ALM) for solving a class of convex optimization problems. Flexible relative error criteria are designed for approximately solving the resulting subproblem, and a relaxation step is exploited to accelerate its convergence numerically. By a unified variational analysis, we establish the global convergence of this … Read more

An inexact ADMM with proximal-indefinite term and larger stepsize

In this paper, an inexact Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers (ADMM) has been proposed for solving the two-block separable convex optimization problem subject to linear equality constraints. The first resulting subproblem is solved inexactly under relative error criterion, while another subproblem called regularization problem is solved inexactly by introducing an indefinite proximal term. Meanwhile, the … Read more

Iteration complexity analysis of a partial LQP-based alternating direction method of multipliers

In this paper, we consider a prototypical convex optimization problem with multi-block variables and separable structures. By adding the Logarithmic Quadratic Proximal (LQP) regularizer with suitable proximal parameter to each of the first grouped subproblems, we develop a partial LQP-based Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers (ADMM-LQP). The dual variable is updated twice with relatively larger … Read more