Optimal Information Monitoring Under a Politeness Constraint

We describe scheduling algorithms for monitoring an information source whose contents change at times modeled by a nonhomogeneous Poisson process. In a given time period of length T, we enforce a politeness constraint that we may only probe the source at most n times. This constraint, along with an optional constraint that no two probes … Read more

New hybrid optimization algorithms for machine scheduling problems

Dynamic programming, branch-and-bound, and constraint programming are the standard solution principles for finding optimal solutions to machine scheduling problems. We propose a new hybrid optimization framework that integrates all three methodologies. The hybrid framework leads to powerful solution procedures. We demonstrate our approach through the optimal solution of the single-machine total weighted completion time scheduling … Read more

Aggregation in Stochastic Dynamic Programming

We present a general aggregation method applicable to all finite-horizon Markov decision problems. States of the MDP are aggregated into macro-states based on a pre-selected collection of “distinguished” states which serve as entry points into macro-states. The resulting macro-problem is also an MDP, whose solution approximates an optimal solution to the original problem. The aggregation … Read more

A Class of Hybrid Methods for Revenue Management

We consider a Markov decision process model of a network revenue management problem. Working within this formal framework, we study policies that combine aspects of mathematical programming approaches and pure Markov decision process methods. The policies employ heuristics early in the booking horizon, and switch to a more-detailed decision rule closer to the time of … Read more

Solving Stability Problems on a Superclass of Interval Graphs

We introduce a graph invariant, called thinness, and show that a maximum weighted stable set on a graph $G(V, E)$ with thinness $k$ may be found in $O(\frac{|V|}{k})^k$-time, if a certain representation is given. We show that a graph has thinness 1 if and only if it is an interval graph, while a graph with … Read more