A forward-backward dynamical approach to the minimization of the sum of a nonsmooth convex with a smooth nonconvex function

We address the minimization of the sum of a proper, convex and lower semicontinuous with a (possibly nonconvex) smooth function from the perspective of an implicit dynamical system of forward-backward type. The latter is formulated by means of the gradient of the smooth function and of the proximal point operator of the nonsmooth one. The … Read more

Convergence rates for forward-backward dynamical systems associated with strongly monotone inclusions

We investigate the convergence rates of the trajectories generated by implicit first and second order dynamical systems associated to the determination of the zeros of the sum of a maximally monotone operator and a monotone and Lipschitz continuous one in a real Hilbert space. We show that these trajectories strongly converge with exponential rate to … Read more

Second order forward-backward dynamical systems for monotone inclusion problems

We begin by considering second order dynamical systems of the from $\ddot x(t) + \Gamma (\dot x(t)) + \lambda(t)B(x(t))=0$, where $\Gamma: {\cal H}\rightarrow{\cal H}$ is an elliptic bounded self-adjoint linear operator defined on a real Hilbert space ${\cal H}$, $B: {\cal H}\rightarrow{\cal H}$ is a cocoercive operator and $\lambda:[0,+\infty)\rightarrow [0,+\infty)$ is a relaxation function depending … Read more