A parallel splitting ALM-based algorithm for separable convex programming

The augmented Lagrangian method (ALM) provides a benchmark for tackling the canonical convex minimization problem with linear constraints. We consider a special case where the objective function is the sum of $m$ individual subfunctions without coupled variables. The recent study reveals that the direct extension of ALM for separable convex programming problems is not necessarily … Read more

On the Proximal Jacobian Decomposition of ALM for Multiple-block Separable Convex Minimization Problems and its Relationship to ADMM

The augmented Lagrangian method (ALM) is a benchmark for solving convex minimization problems with linear constraints. When the objective function of the model under consideration is representable as the sum of some functions without coupled variables, a Jacobian or Gauss-Seidel decomposition is often implemented to decompose the ALM subproblems so that the functions’ properties could … Read more

On full Jacobian decomposition of the augmented Lagrangian method for separable convex programming

The augmented Lagrangian method (ALM) is a benchmark for solving the convex minimization problem with linear constraints. We consider the special case where the objective is in form of the sum of m functions without coupled variables. For solving this separable convex programming model, it is usually required to decompose the ALM subproblem at each … Read more