A Polyhedral Study on Chance Constrained Program with Random Right-Hand Side

The essential structure of the mixed–integer programming formulation for chance–constrained program (CCP) is the intersection of multiple mixing sets with a $0-1$ knapsack. To improve our computational capacity on CCP, an underlying substructure, the (single) mixing set with a $0-1$ knapsack, has received substantial attentions recently. In this study, we consider a CCP problem with … Read more

Strong Inequalities for Chance-Constrained Program

As an essential substructure underlying a large class of chance-constrained programming problems with finite discrete distributions, the mixing set with $0-1$ knapsack has received considerable attentions in recent literature. In this study, we present a family of strong inequalities that subsume existing ones for this set. We also find many other inequalities that can be … Read more

Separation of Mixing Inequalities in a Mixed Integer Programming Solver

This paper shows how valid inequalities based on the mixing set can be used in a mixed integer programming (MIP) solver. It discusses the relation of mixing inequalities to flow path and mixed integer rounding in- equalities and how currently used separation algorithms already generate cuts implicitly that can be seen as mixing cuts. Further … Read more

An integer programming approach for linear programs with probabilistic constraints

Linear programs with joint probabilistic constraints (PCLP) are difficult to solve because the feasible region is not convex. We consider a special case of PCLP in which only the right-hand side is random and this random vector has a finite distribution. We give a mixed-integer programming formulation for this special case and study the relaxation … Read more