Unifying nonlinearly constrained nonconvex optimization

Derivative-based iterative methods for nonlinearly constrained non-convex optimization usually share common algorithmic components, such as strategies for computing a descent direction and mechanisms that promote global convergence. Based on this observation, we introduce an abstract framework based on four common ingredients that describes most derivative-based iterative methods and unifies their workflows. We then present Uno, … Read more

Scalable Nonlinear Programming Via Exact Differentiable Penalty Functions and Trust-Region Newton Methods

We present an approach for nonlinear programming (NLP) based on the direct minimization of an exact di erentiable penalty function using trust-region Newton techniques. As opposed to existing algorithmic approaches to NLP, the approach provides all the features required for scalability: it can eciently detect and exploit directions of negative curvature, it is superlinearly convergent, and … Read more