On the power of linear programming for K-means clustering

In a previous work, we introduced a new linear programming (LP) relaxation for K-means clustering. In this paper, we further investigate the theoretical properties of this relaxation. We focus on K-means clustering with two clusters, which is an NP-hard problem. As evident from our numerical experiments with both synthetic and real-world data sets, the proposed … Read more

Rank-one Boolean tensor factorization and the multilinear polytope

We consider the NP-hard problem of approximating a tensor with binary entries by a rank-one tensor, referred to as rank-one Boolean tensor factorization problem. We formulate this problem, in an extended space of variables, as the problem of minimizing a linear function over a highly structured multilinear set. Leveraging on our prior results regarding the … Read more

Efficient Joint Object Matching via Linear Programming

Joint object matching, also known as multi-image matching, namely, the problem of finding consistent partial maps among all pairs of objects within a collection, is a crucial task in many areas of computer vision. This problem subsumes bipartite graph matching and graph partitioning as special cases and is NP-hard, in general. We develop scalable linear … Read more