A note on the squared slack variables technique for nonlinear optimization

In constrained nonlinear optimization, the squared slack variables can be used to transform a problem with inequality constraints into a problem containing only equality constraints. This reformulation is usually not considered in the modern literature, mainly because of possible numerical instabilities. However, this argument only concerns the development of algorithms, and nothing stops us in … Read more

The use of squared slack variables in nonlinear second-order cone programming

In traditional nonlinear programming, the technique of converting a problem with inequality constraints into a problem containing only equality constraints, by the addition of squared slack variables, is well-known. Unfortunately, it is considered to be an avoided technique in the optimization community, since the advantages usually do not compensate for the disadvantages, like the increase … Read more

Two theoretical results for sequential semidefinite programming

We examine the local convergence of a sequential semidefinite programming approach for solving nonlinear programs with nonlinear semidefiniteness constraints. Known convergence results are extended to slightly weaker second order sufficient conditions and the resulting subproblems are shown to have local convexity properties that imply a weak form of self-concordance of the barrier subproblems. CitationPreprint, Mathematisches … Read more