The minimization of non-lower semicontinuous functions is a difficult topic that has been minimally studied. Among such functions is a Heaviside composite function that is the composition of a Heaviside function with a possibly nonsmooth multivariate function. Unifying a statistical estimation problem with hierarchical selection of variables and a sample average approximation of composite chance constrained stochastic programs, a Heaviside composite optimization problem is one whose objective and constraints are defined by sums of possibly nonlinear multiples of such composite functions. Via a pulled-out formulation, a pseudo stationarity concept for a feasible point was introduced in an earlier work as a necessary condition for a local minimizer of a Heaviside composite optimization problem. The present paper extends this previous study in several directions: (a) showing that pseudo stationarity is implied by, thus weaker than, a sharper subdifferential based stationarity condition which we term epi-stationarity; (b) introducing a set-theoretic sufficient condition, which we term local convexity-like property, under which an epi-stationary point of a
possibly non-lower semicontinuous optimization problem is a local minimizer; (c) providing several classes of Heaviside composite functions satisfying this local convexity-like property; (d) extending the epigraphical formulation of a nonnegative multiple of a Heaviside composite function to a lifted formulation for arbitrarily signed multiples of the Heaviside composite function, based on which we show that an epi-stationary solution of the given Heaviside composite program with broad classes of B-differentiable component functions can in principle be approximately computed by surrogation methods.