Analysis of a Class of Minimization Problems Lacking Lower Semicontinuity

The minimization of non-lower semicontinuous functions is a difficult topic that has been minimally studied. Among such functions is a Heaviside composite function that is the composition of a Heaviside function with a possibly nonsmooth multivariate function. Unifying a statistical estimation problem with hierarchical selection of variables and a sample average approximation of composite chance … Read more

Variational Theory and Algorithms for a Class of Asymptotically Approachable Nonconvex Problems

We investigate a class of composite nonconvex functions, where the outer function is the sum of univariate extended-real-valued convex functions and the inner function is the limit of difference-of-convex functions. A notable feature of this class is that the inner function may fail to be locally Lipschitz continuous. It covers a range of important yet … Read more

A Decomposition Algorithm for Two-Stage Stochastic Programs with Nonconvex Recourse

In this paper, we have studied a decomposition method for solving a class of nonconvex two-stage stochastic programs, where both the objective and constraints of the second-stage problem are nonlinearly parameterized by the first-stage variable. Due to the failure of the Clarke regularity of the resulting nonconvex recourse function, classical decomposition approaches such as Benders … Read more

Comparing Solution Paths of Sparse Quadratic Minimization with a Stieltjes Matrix

This paper studies several solution paths of sparse quadratic minimization problems as a function of the weighing parameter of the bi-objective of estimation loss versus solution sparsity. Three such paths are considered: the “L0-path” where the discontinuous L0-function provides the exact sparsity count; the “L1-path” where the L1-function provides a convex surrogate of sparsity count; … Read more

Two-stage Stochastic Programming with Linearly Bi-parameterized Quadratic Recourse

This paper studies the class of two-stage stochastic programs (SP) with a linearly bi-parameterized recourse function defined by a convex quadratic program. A distinguishing feature of this new class of stochastic programs is that the objective function in the second stage is linearly parameterized by the first-stage decision variable, in addition to the standard linear … Read more