On the Complexity of Finding Locally Optimal Solutions in Bilevel Linear Optimization


We consider the theoretical computational complexity of finding locally optimal solutions to bilevel linear optimization problems (BLPs), from the leader’s perspective. We show that, for any constant \(c > 0\), the problem of finding a leader’s solution that is within Euclidean distance \(c^n\) of any locally optimal leader’s solution, where \(n\) is the total number of variables, is NP-hard. Our derivations exploit techniques similar to those used for the analogous result for quadratic optimization problems (QPs). As a side observation, we also provide a BLP reformulation of the celebrated Motzkin-Straus QP model for the maximum clique problem and thereby illuminate the close connection of combinatorial optimization problems to both BLPs and QPs.


COR@L Technical Report 24T-015, Lehigh University.



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