An efficient gradient method using the Yuan steplength

We propose a new gradient method for quadratic programming, named SDC, which alternates some SD iterates with some gradient iterates that use a constant steplength computed through the Yuan formula. The SDC method exploits the asymptotic spectral behaviour of the Yuan steplength to foster a selective elimination of the components of the gradient along the … Read more

Mini-batch Stochastic Approximation Methods for Nonconvex Stochastic Composite Optimization

This paper considers a class of constrained stochastic composite optimization problems whose objective function is given by the summation of a differentiable (possibly nonconvex) component, together with a certain non-differentiable (but convex) component. In order to solve these problems, we propose a randomized stochastic projected gradient (RSPG) algorithm, in which proper mini-batch of samples are … Read more

Adaptive Regularized Self-Consistent Field Iteration with Exact Hessian for Electronic Structure Calculation

The self-consistent field (SCF) iteration has been used ubiquitously for solving the Kohn-Sham (KS) equation or the minimization of the KS total energy functional with respect to orthogonality constraints in electronic structure calculations. Although SCF with heuristics such as charge mixing often works remarkably well on many problems, it is well known that its convergence … Read more

A Derivative-Free Algorithm for the Least-square minimization

We develop a framework for a class of derivative-free algorithms for the least-squares minimization problem. These algorithms are based on polynomial interpolation models and are designed to take advantages of the problem structure. Under suitable conditions, we establish the global convergence and local quadratic convergence properties of these algorithms. Promising numerical results indicate the algorithm … Read more