A study of the relation between the single-row and the double-row facility layout problem

The NP-hard Multi-Row Facility Layout Problem (MRFLP) consists of a set of one-dimensional departments and pairwise transport weights between them. It asks for a non-overlapping arrangement of the departments along a given number of rows such that the weighted sum of the horizontal center-to-center distances between the departments is minimized. We mainly focus on the … Read more

New exact approaches for the combined cell layout problem and extensions of the multi-bay facility layout problem

In this paper we consider the Combined Cell Layout Problem (CCLP), the Multi-Bay Facility Layout Problem (MBFLP) and several generalizations of the MBFLP, which have wide applications, e.g., in factory planning, heavy manufacturing, semiconductor fabrication and arranging rooms in hospitals. Given a set of cells of type single-row or directed-circular and a set of one-dimensional … Read more

A mixed-integer linear programming approach for the T-row and the multi-bay facility layout problem

We introduce a new facility layout problem, the so-called T-Row Facility Layout Problem (TRFLP). The TRFLP consists of a set of one-dimensional departments with pairwise transport weights between them and two orthogonal rows which form a T such that departments in different rows cannot overlap. The aim is to find a non-overlapping assignment of the … Read more

Decorous Combinatorial Lower Bounds for Row Layout Problems

In this paper we consider the Double-Row Facility Layout Problem (DRFLP). Given a set of departments and pairwise transport weights between them the DRFLP asks for a non-overlapping arrangement of the departments along both sides of a common path such that the weighted sum of the center-to-center distances between the departments is minimized. Despite its … Read more