Minimum-Peak-Cost Flows Over Time

Peak cost is a novel objective for flows over time that describes the amount of workforce necessary to run a system. We focus on minimising peak costs in the context of maximum temporally repeated flows and formulate the corresponding MPC-MTRF problem. First, we discuss the limitations that emerge when restricting the solution space to integral … Read more

Robust Mask-Based Appointment Scheduling in Primary Care Practices

In most health care systems, a primary care physician (PCP) is both the first instance consulted by patients with medical concerns and the instance coordinating patients’ continued access to medical care. Due to the PCP’s pivotal role, we address challenges of a high-quality primary care service by interday appointment scheduling on a tactical decision level. Our … Read more

Robust two-stage combinatorial optimization problems under discrete demand uncertainties and consistent selection constraints

In this paper, we study a robust two-stage concept of combinatorial optimization problems under discrete demand uncertainty. Combinatorial optimization problems are based on a finite set of elements for which we decide whether they are part of a solution. We divide the elements into two types, the so-called fixed and free elements. In a first … Read more