On the Complexity of the Traveling Umpire Problem

The traveling umpire problem (TUP) consists of determining which games will be handled by each one of several umpire crews during a double round-robin tournament. The objective is to minimize the total distance traveled by the umpires, while respecting constraints that include visiting every team at home, and not seeing a team or venue too … Read more

Modeling with Metaconstraints and Semantic Typing of Variables

Recent research in hybrid optimization shows that a combination of technologies that exploits their complementary strengths can significantly speed up computation. The use of high-level metaconstraints in the problem formulation can achieve a substantial share of these computational gains by better communicating problem structure to the solver. During the solution process, however, metaconstraints give rise … Read more

Improved Bounds for the Traveling Umpire Problem: A Stronger Formulation and a Relax-and-Fix Heuristic

Given a double round-robin tournament, the traveling umpire problem (TUP) consists of determining which games will be handled by each one of several umpire crews during the tournament. The objective is to minimize the total distance traveled by the umpires, while respecting constraints that include visiting every team at home, and not seeing a team … Read more

Optimizing the Layout of Proportional Symbol Maps: Polyhedra and Computation

Proportional symbol maps are a cartographic tool to assist in the visualization and analysis of quantitative data associated with specific locations, such as earthquake magnitudes, oil well production, and temperature at weather stations. As the name suggests, symbol sizes are proportional to the magnitude of the physical quantities that they represent. We present two novel … Read more