Finding approximately rank-one submatrices with the nuclear norm and l1 norm

We propose a convex optimization formulation with the nuclear norm and $\ell_1$-norm to find a large approximately rank-one submatrix of a given nonnegative matrix. We develop optimality conditions for the formulation and characterize the properties of the optimal solutions. We establish conditions under which the optimal solution of the convex formulation has a specific sparse … Read more

Nuclear norm minimization for the planted clique and biclique problems

We consider the problems of finding a maximum clique in a graph and finding a maximum-edge biclique in a bipartite graph. Both problems are NP-hard. We write both problems as matrix-rank minimization and then relax them using the nuclear norm. This technique, which may be regarded as a generalization of compressive sensing, has recently been … Read more

A Fully Sparse Implementation of a Primal-Dual Interior-Point Potential Reduction Method for Semidefinite Programming

In this paper, we show a way to exploit sparsity in the problem data in a primal-dual potential reduction method for solving a class of semidefinite programs. When the problem data is sparse, the dual variable is also sparse, but the primal one is not. To avoid working with the dense primal variable, we apply … Read more