Adaptive Gradient Descent without Descent

We present a strikingly simple proof that two rules are sufficient to automate gradient descent: 1) don’t increase the stepsize too fast and 2) don’t overstep the local curvature. No need for functional values, no line search, no information about the function except for the gradients. By following these rules, you get a method adaptive … Read more

The primal-dual hybrid gradient method reduces to a primal method for linearly constrained optimization problems

In this work, we show that for linearly constrained optimization problems the primal-dual hybrid gradient algorithm, analyzed by Chambolle and Pock [3], can be written as an entirely primal algorithm. This allows us to prove convergence of the iterates even in the degenerate cases when the linear system is inconsistent or when the strong duality … Read more

Golden Ratio Algorithms for Variational Inequalities

The paper presents a fully explicit algorithm for monotone variational inequalities. The method uses variable stepsizes that are computed using two previous iterates as an approximation of the local Lipschitz constant without running a linesearch. Thus, each iteration of the method requires only one evaluation of a monotone operator $F$ and a proximal mapping $g$. … Read more

Chambolle-Pock and Tseng’s methods: relationship and extension to the bilevel optimization

In the first part of the paper we focus on two problems: (a) regularized least squares and (b) nonsmooth minimization over an affine subspace. For these problems we establish the connection between the primal-dual method of Chambolle-Pock and Tseng’s proximal gradient method. For problem (a) it allows us to derive a nonergodic $O(1/k^2)$ convergence rate … Read more

A first-order primal-dual algorithm with linesearch

The paper proposes a linesearch for the primal-dual method. Each iteration of the linesearch requires to update only the dual (or primal) variable. For many problems, in particular for regularized least squares, the linesearch does not require any additional matrix-vector multiplications. We prove convergence of the proposed method under the standard assumptions. We also show … Read more

Projected Reflected Gradient Methods for Monotone Variational Inequalities

This paper is concerned with some new projection methods for solving variational inequality problems with monotone and Lipschitz-continuous mapping in Hilbert space. First, we propose the projected reflected gradient algorithm with a constant stepsize. It is similar to the projected gradient method, namely, the method requires only one projection onto the feasible set and only … Read more