Polyhedral results for two-connected networks with bounded rings

We study the polyhedron associated with a network design problem which consists in determining at minimum cost a two-connected network such that the shortest cycle to which each edge belongs (a “ring”) does not exceed a given length K. We present here a new formulation of the problem and derive facet results for different classes … Read more

Discrete convexity and unimodularity. I.

In this article we introduce a theory of convexity for the lattices of integer points, which we call a theory of discrete convexity. In particular, we obtain generalizations of Edmonds’ polymatroid intersection theorem and the Hoffman-Kruskal theorem as consequences of our constructions. CitationAdvances in Mathematics (to appear)ArticleDownload View PDF

Branch-and-cut for the k-way equipartition problem

We investigate the polyhedral structure of a formulation of the k-way equipartition problem and a branch-and-cut algorithm for the problem. The k-way equipartition problem requires dividing the vertices of a weighted graph into k equally sized sets, so as to minimize the total weight of edges that have both endpoints in the same set. Applications … Read more

Stable Multi-Sets

In this paper we introduce a generalization of stable sets: stable multi-sets. A stable multi-set is an assignment of integers to the vertices of a graph, such that specified bounds on vertices and edges are not exceeded. In case all vertex and edge bounds equal one, stable multi-sets are equivalent to stable sets. For the … Read more