A Branch and Cut Algorithm for Hub Location Problems with Single Assignment

The hub location problem with single assignment is the problem of locating hubs and assigning the terminal nodes to hubs in order to minimize the cost of hub installation and the cost of routing the traffic in the network. There may also be capacity restrictions on the amount of traffic that can transit by hubs. … Read more

Duality and a Farkas lemma for integer programs

We consider the integer program $\max \{c’ x\,|\,Ax=b,x\in N^n\}$. A formal parallel between linear programming and continuous integration on one side, and discrete summation on the other side, shows that a natural duality for integer programs can be derived from the $Z$-transform and Brion and Vergne’s counting formula. Along the same lines, we also provide … Read more

The integer hull of a convex rational polytope

Given $A\in Z^{m\times n}$ and $b\in Z^m$, we consider the integer program $\max \{c’x\vert Ax=b;x\in N^n\}$ and provide an equivalent and explicit linear program $\max \{\widehat{c}’q\vert M q=r;q\geq 0\}$, where $M,r,\widehat{c}$ are easily obtained from $A,b,c$ with no calculation. We also provide an explicit algebraic characterization of the integer hull of the convex polytope $P=\{x\in\R^n\vert … Read more

On counting integral points in a convex rational polytope

Given a convex rational polytope $\Omega(b):=\{x\in\R^n_+\,|\,Ax=b\}$, we consider the function $b\mapsto f(b)$, which counts the nonnegative integral points of $\Omega(b)$. A closed form expression of its $\Z$-transform $z\mapsto \mathcal{F}(z)$ is easily obtained so that $f(b)$ can be computed as the inverse $\Z$-transform of $\mathcal{F}$. We then provide two variants of an inversion algorithm. As a … Read more

Facets of a polyhedron closely related to the integer knapsack-cover problem

We investigate the polyhedral structure of an integer program with a single functional constraint: the integer capacity-cover polyhedron. Such constraints arise in telecommunications planning and facility location applications, and feature the use of general integer (rather than just binary) variables. We derive a large class of facet-defining inequalities by using an augmenting technique that builds … Read more

An (n-2)-dimensional Quadratic Surface Determining All Cliques and a Least Square Formulation for the Maximum Clique Problem

Arranging an n-vertex graph as the standard simplex in R^n, we identify graph cliques with simplex faces formed by clique vertices. An unstrict quadratic inequality holds for all points of the simplex; it turns to equality if and only if the point is on a face corresponding to a clique. This way this equality determines … Read more

Solving the knapsack problem via Z-transform

Given vectors $a,c\in Z^n$ and $b\in Z$, we consider the (unbounded) knapsack optimization problem $P:\,\min\{c’x\,\vert\, a’x=b;\,x\in N^n\}$. We compute the minimum value $p^*$ using techniques from complex analysis, namely Cauchy residue technique to integrate a function in $C^2$, the $Z$-transform of an appropriate function related to $P$. The computational complexity depends on $s:=\sum_{a_j} a_j$, not … Read more

Lower bound for the number of iterations in semidefinite hierarchies for the cut polytope

Hierarchies of semidefinite relaxations for $0/1$ polytopes have been constructed by Lasserre (2001a) and by Lov\’asz and Schrijver (1991), permitting to find the cut polytope of a graph on $n$ nodes in $n$ steps. We show that $\left\lceil {n\over 2} \right\rceil$ iterations are needed for finding the cut polytope of the complete graph $K_n$. CitationMathematics … Read more

Clique Family Inequalities for the Stable Set Polytope of Quasi-Line Graphs

In one of fundamental work in combinatorial optimization Edmonds gave a complete linear description of the matching polytope. Matchings in a graph are equivalent to stable sets its line graph. Also the neighborhood of any vertex in a line graph partitions into two cliques: graphs with this latter property are called quasi-line graphs. Quasi-line graphs … Read more

A Laplace transform algorithm for the volume of a convex polytope

We provide two algorithms for computing the volume of the convex polytope $\Omega:=\{x\in \R^n_+ \,|\,Ax\leq b\}$, for $A\in\R^{m\times n}, b\in\R^n$. The computational complexity of both algorithms is essentially described by $n^m$, which makes them especially attractive for large $n$ and relatively small $m$, when the other methods with $O(m^n)$ complexity fail. The methodology which differs … Read more