Limited-memory projective variable metric methods for unconstrained minimization

A new family of limited-memory variable metric or quasi-Newton methods for unconstrained minimization is given. The methods are based on a positive definite inverse Hessian approximation in the form of the sum of identity matrix and two low rank matrices, obtained by the standard scaled Broyden class update. To reduce the rank of matrices, various … Read more

New class of limited-memory variationally-derived variable metric methods

A new family of limited-memory variationally-derived variable metric or quasi-Newton methods for unconstrained minimization is given. The methods have quadratic termination property and use updates, invariant under linear transformations. Some encouraging numerical experience is reported. CitationTechnical Report V-973. Prague, ICS AS CR 2006.ArticleDownload View PDF

Additional properties of shifted valiable metric methods.

Some supplements to shifted variable metric or quasi-Newton methods for unconstrained minimization are given, including new limited-memory methods. Global convergence of these methods can be established for convex sufficiently smooth functions. Some encouraging numerical experience is reported. CitationReport No. V899-03, Institute of Computer Scienc, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, December 2003 (revised May 2004).ArticleDownload View … Read more