Sufficient weighted complementarity problems

This paper presents some fundamental results about sufficient linear weighted complementarity problems. Such a problem depends on a nonnegative weight vector. If the weight vector is zero, the problem reduces to a sufficient linear complementarity problem that has been extensively studied. The introduction of the more general notion of a weighted complementarity problem (wCP) was … Read more

Interior point methods for sufficient LCP in a wide neighborhood of the central path with optimal iteration complexity

Three interior point methods are proposed for sufficient horizontal linear complementarity problems (HLCP): a large update path following algorithm, a first order corrector-predictor method, and a second order corrector-predictor method. All algorithms produce sequences of iterates in the wide neighborhood of the central path introduced by Ai and Zhang. The algorithms do not depend on … Read more

Weighted complementarity problems – a new paradigm for computing equilibria

This paper introduces the notion of a weighted Complementarity Problem (wCP), which consists in finding a pair of vectors $(x,s)$ belonging to the intersection of a manifold with a cone, such that their product in a certain algebra, $x\circ s$, equals a given weight vector $w$. When $w$ is the zero vector, then wCP reduces … Read more

Arc-Search Path-Following Interior-Point Algorithms for Linear Programming

Arc-search is developed in optimization algorithms. In this paper, simple analytic arcs are used to approximate the central path of the linear programming. The primal-dual path-following interior-point method is then used to search optimizers along the arcs for linear programming. They require fewer iterations to find the optimal solutions in all the tested problems in … Read more

Corrector-predictor methods for sufficient linear complementarity problems in a wide neighborhood of the central path

Corrector-predictor methods for sufficient linear complementarity problems in a wide neighborhood of the central path CitationTechnical Report UMBC, TR2006-22, January 2005, Revised: March 2006.ArticleDownload View PDF

A strong bound on the integral of the central path curvature and its relationship with the iteration complexity of primal-dual path-following LP algorithms

The main goals of this paper are to: i) relate two iteration-complexity bounds associated with the Mizuno-Todd-Ye predictor-corrector algorithm for linear programming (LP), and; ii) study the geometrical structure of the central path in the context of LP. The first forementioned iteration-complexity bound is expressed in terms of an integral introduced by Sonnevend, Stoer and … Read more

A new iteration-complexity bound for the MTY predictor-corrector algorithm

In this paper we present a new iteration-complexity bound for the Mizuno-Todd-Ye predictor-corrector (MTY P-C) primal-dual interior-point algorithm for linear programming. The analysis of the paper is based on the important notion of crossover events introduced by Vavasis and Ye. For a standard form linear program $\min\{c^Tx : Ax=b, \, x \ge 0\}$ with decision … Read more

A stable homotopy approach to horizontal linear complementarity problems

We are interested in the solution of Horizontal Linear Complementarity Problems, HLCPs, that is complementarity problems with more variables than equations. Globally metrically regular HLCPs have nonempty solution sets that are stable with respect to “right-hand-side perturbations” of the data, hence are numerically attractive. The main purpose of the paper is to show how the … Read more