Lipschitz behavior of the robust regularization

To minimize or upper-bound the value of a function “robustly”, we might instead minimize or upper-bound the “epsilon-robust regularization”, defined as the map from a point to the maximum value of the function within an epsilon-radius. This regularization may be easy to compute: convex quadratics lead to semidefinite-representable regularizations, for example, and the spectral radius … Read more

The Lax conjecture is true

In 1958 Lax conjectured that hyperbolic polynomials in three variables are determinants of linear combinations of three symmetric matrices. This conjecture is equivalent to a recent observation of Helton and Vinnikov. CitationDepartment of Mathematics, Simon Fraser University, CanadaArticleDownload View PDF

Robust regularization

Given a real function on a Euclidean space, we consider its “robust regularization”: the value of this new function at any given point is the maximum value of the original function in a fixed neighbourhood of the point in question. This construction allows us to impose constraints in an optimization problem *robustly*, safeguarding a constraint … Read more