Some criteria for error bounds in set optimization

We obtain sufficient and/or necessary conditions for global/local error bounds for the distances to some sets appeared in set optimization studied with both the set approach and vector approach (sublevel sets, constraint sets, sets of {\it all } Pareto efficient/ Henig proper efficient/super efficient solutions, sets of solutions {\it corresponding to one} Pareto efficient/Henig proper … Read more

Optimality conditions for various efficient solutions involving coderivatives: from set-valued optimization problems to set-valued equilibrium problems

We present a new approach to the study of a set-valued equilibrium problem (for short, SEP) through the study of a set-valued optimization problem with a geometric constraint (for short, SOP) based on an equivalence between solutions of these problems. As illustrations, we adapt to SEP enhanced notions of relative Pareto efficient solutions introduced in … Read more