The Fermat Rule for Set Optimization Problems with Lipschitzian Set-Valued Mappings

n this paper, we consider set optimization problems with respect to the set approach. Specifically, we deal with the lower less and the upper less set relations. First, we derive properties of convexity and Lipschitzianity of suitable scalarizing functionals, under the same assumption on the set-valued objective mapping. We then obtain upper estimates of the … Read more

Estimates of generalized Hessians for optimal value functions in mathematical programming

The \emph{optimal value function} is one of the basic objects in the field of mathematical optimization, as it allows the evaluation of the variations in the \emph{cost/revenue} generated while \emph{minimizing/maximizing} a given function under some constraints. In the context of stability/sensitivity analysis, a large number of publications have been dedicated to the study of continuity … Read more

A Hausdorff-type distance, a directional derivative of a set-valued map and applications in set optimization

In this paper, we follow Kuroiwa’s set approach in set optimization, which proposes to compare values of a set-valued objective map $F$ respect to various set order relations. We introduce a Hausdorff-type distance relative to an ordering cone between two sets in a Banach space and use it to define a directional derivative for $F$. … Read more

Solving ill-posed bilevel programs

This paper deals with ill-posed bilevel programs, i.e., problems admitting multiple lower-level solutions for some upper-level parameters. Many publications have been devoted to the standard optimistic case of this problem, where the difficulty is essentially moved from the objective function to the feasible set. This new problem is simpler but there is no guaranty to … Read more

Directional H”older metric subregularity and application to tangent cones

In this work, we study directional versions of the H\”olderian/Lipschitzian metric subregularity of multifunctions. Firstly, we establish variational characterizations of the H\”olderian/Lipschitzian directional metric subregularity by means of the strong slopes and next of mixed tangency-coderivative objects . By product, we give second-order conditions for the directional Lipschitzian metric subregularity and for the directional metric … Read more

KKT Reformulation and Necessary Conditions for Optimality in Nonsmooth Bilevel Optimization

For a long time, the bilevel programming problem has essentially been considered as a special case of mathematical programs with equilibrium constraints (MPECs), in particular when the so-called KKT reformulation is in question. Recently though, this widespread believe was shown to be false in general. In this paper, other aspects of the difference between both … Read more

Some criteria for error bounds in set optimization

We obtain sufficient and/or necessary conditions for global/local error bounds for the distances to some sets appeared in set optimization studied with both the set approach and vector approach (sublevel sets, constraint sets, sets of {\it all } Pareto efficient/ Henig proper efficient/super efficient solutions, sets of solutions {\it corresponding to one} Pareto efficient/Henig proper … Read more

Sensitivity analysis for two-level value functions with applications to bilevel programming

This paper contributes to a deeper understanding of the link between a now conventional framework in hierarchical optimization spread under the name of the optimistic bilevel problem and its initial more dicult formulation that we call here the original optimistic bilevel optimization problem. It follows from this research that, although the process of deriving necessary … Read more

Approximating Stationary Points of Stochastic Mathematical Programs with Equilibrium Constraints via Sample Averaging

We investigate sample average approximation of a general class of one-stage stochastic mathematical programs with equilibrium constraints. By using graphical convergence of unbounded set-valued mappings, we demonstrate almost sure convergence of a sequence of stationary points of sample average approximation problems to their true counterparts as the sample size increases. In particular we show the … Read more

Optimality conditions for various efficient solutions involving coderivatives: from set-valued optimization problems to set-valued equilibrium problems

We present a new approach to the study of a set-valued equilibrium problem (for short, SEP) through the study of a set-valued optimization problem with a geometric constraint (for short, SOP) based on an equivalence between solutions of these problems. As illustrations, we adapt to SEP enhanced notions of relative Pareto efficient solutions introduced in … Read more