On Averaging and Extrapolation for Gradient Descent

This work considers the effect of averaging, and more generally extrapolation, of the iterates of gradient descent in smooth convex optimization. After running the method, rather than reporting the final iterate, one can report either a convex combination of the iterates (averaging) or a generic combination of the iterates (extrapolation). For several common stepsize sequences, … Read more

A proximal-Newton method for unconstrained convex optimization in Hilbert spaces

We propose and study the iteration-complexity of a proximal-Newton method for finding approximate solutions of the problem of minimizing a twice continuously differentiable convex function on a (possibly infinite dimensional) Hilbert space. We prove global convergence rates for obtaining approximate solutions in terms of function/gradient values. Our main results follow from an iteration-complexity study of … Read more

Smooth Strongly Convex Interpolation and Exact Worst-case Performance of First-order Methods

We show that the exact worst-case performance of fixed-step first-order methods for unconstrained optimization of smooth (possibly strongly) convex functions can be obtained by solving convex programs. Finding the worst-case performance of a black-box first-order method is formulated as an optimization problem over a set of smooth (strongly) convex functions and initial conditions. We develop … Read more

Global convergence of the Heavy-ball method for convex optimization

This paper establishes global convergence and provides global bounds of the convergence rate of the Heavy-ball method for convex optimization problems. When the objective function has Lipschitz-continuous gradient, we show that the Cesa ́ro average of the iterates converges to the optimum at a rate of $O(1/k)$ where k is the number of iterations. When … Read more

Intermediate gradient methods for smooth convex problems with inexact oracle

Between the robust but slow (primal or dual) gradient methods and the fast but sensitive to errors fast gradient methods, our goal in this paper is to develop first-order methods for smooth convex problems with intermediate speed and intermediate sensitivity to errors. We develop a general family of first-order methods, the Intermediate Gradient Method (IGM), … Read more

First-order methods with inexact oracle: the strongly convex case

The goal of this paper is to study the effect of inexact first-order information on the first-order methods designed for smooth strongly convex optimization problems. We introduce the notion of (delta,L,mu)-oracle, that can be seen as an extension of the inexact (delta,L)-oracle previously introduced, taking into account strong convexity. We consider different examples of (delta,L,mu)-oracle: … Read more

Stochastic first order methods in smooth convex optimization.

In this paper, we are interested in the development of efficient first-order methods for convex optimization problems in the simultaneous presence of smoothness of the objective function and stochasticity in the first-order information. First, we consider the Stochastic Primal Gradient method, which is nothing else but the Mirror Descent SA method applied to a smooth … Read more

First-order Methods of Smooth Convex Optimization with Inexact Oracle

We introduce the notion of inexact first-order oracle and analyze the behaviour of several first-order methods of smooth convex optimization used with such an oracle. This notion of inexact oracle naturally appears in the context of smoothing techniques, Moreau-Yosida regularization, Augmented Lagrangians and many other situations. We derive complexity estimates for primal, dual and fast … Read more