On Tractability, Complexity, and Mixed-Integer Convex Programming Representability of Distributionally Favorable Optimization

Distributionally Favorable Optimization (DFO) is an important framework for decision-making under uncertainty, with applications across fields such as reinforcement learning, online learning, robust statistics, chance-constrained programming, and two-stage stochastic optimization without relatively complete recourse. In contrast to the traditional Distributionally Robust Optimization (DRO) paradigm, DFO presents a unique challenge– the application of the inner infimum … Read more

Distributionally Favorable Optimization: A Framework for Data-driven Decision-making with Endogenous Outliers

A typical data-driven stochastic program aims to seek the best decision that minimizes the sum of a deterministic cost function and an expected recourse function under a given distribution. Recently, much success has been witnessed in the development of Distributionally Robust Optimization (DRO), which considers the worst-case expected recourse function under the least favorable probability … Read more

Shortfall Risk Models When Information of Loss Function Is Incomplete

Utility-based shortfall risk measure (SR) has received increasing attentions over the past few years for its potential to quantify more effectively the risk of large losses than conditional value at risk. In this paper we consider the case that the true loss function is unavailable either because it is difficult to be identified or the … Read more