Manufacturer’s Mixed Pallet Design Problem

We study a problem faced by a major beverage producer. The company produces and distributes several brands to various customers from its regional distributors. For some of these brands, most customers do not have enough demand to justify full pallet shipments. Therefore, the company decided to design a number of mixed or “rainbow” pallets so … Read more

Tubechallenges: Can OR help break records?

Several ‘tubechallenges’ have been attempted on the London Underground network, often gaining vast press coverage. The most famous of them consists of trying to travel to all 275 stations of the London Underground network (known as ‘the tube’) in the shortest possible time. In this article we examine how Operational Research can assist potential record-breakers, … Read more


We introduce a new barrier function to solve a class of Semidefinite Optimization Problems (SOP) with bounded variables. That class is motivated by some (SOP) as the minimization of the sum of the first few eigenvalues of symmetric matrices and graph partitioning problems. We study the primal-dual central path defined by the new barrier and … Read more

Computing the stability number of a graph via linear and semidefinite programming

We study certain linear and semidefinite programming lifting approximation schemes for computing the stability number of a graph. Our work is based on, and refines De Klerk and Pasechnik’s approach to approximating the stability number via copositive programming (SIAM J. Optim. 12 (2002), 875–892). We provide a closed-form expression for the values computed by the … Read more