The robust pickup and delivery problem with time windows

This study addresses the robust pickup and delivery problem with time windows (RPDPTW), in which uncertainty in demands and travel times is modelled using robust optimisation. The RPDPTW involves determining the least-cost routes to serve transportation requests from origins to destinations, while respecting vehicle capacity and time window constraints under all anticipated realisations of uncertain … Read more

Routing a fleet of unmanned aerial vehicles: a trajectory optimisation-based framework

We consider an aerial survey operation in which a fleet of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) is required to visit several locations and then land in one of the available landing sites while optimising some performance criteria, subject to operational constraints and flight dynamics. We aim to minimise the maximum flight time of the UAVs. To … Read more

Integrating Public Transport in Sustainable Last-Mile Delivery: Column Generation Approaches

We tackle the problem of coordinating a three-echelon last-mile delivery system. In the first echelon, trucks transport parcels from distribution centres outside the city to public transport stops. In the second echelon, the parcels move on public transport and reach the city centre. In the third echelon, zero-emission vehicles pick up the parcels at public … Read more

A Route-Based Algorithm for the Electric Vehicle Routing Problem with Multiple Technologies

We consider a variant of the electric vehicle routing problem: a fleet of identical vehicles of limited capacity needs to visit a set of customers with given demands. An upper limit is imposed on the duration of the routes. Vehicles have limited autonomy: they may need to stop en-route at recharge stations. Recharges can be … Read more

A Generic Exact Solver for Vehicle Routing and Related Problems

Major advances were recently obtained in the exact solution of Vehicle Routing Problems (VRPs). Sophisticated Branch-Cut-and-Price (BCP) algorithms for some of the most classical VRP variants now solve many instances with up to a few hundreds of customers. However, adapting and reimplementing those successful algorithms for other variants can be a very demanding task. This … Read more

Dynamic Scheduling of Home Health Care Patients to Medical Providers

Home care provides personalized medical care and social support to patients within their own home. Our work proposes a dynamic scheduling framework to assist in the assignment of patients to health practitioners (HPs) at a single home care agency. We model the decision of which patients to assign to HPs as a discrete-time Markov decision … Read more

Location Routing Problems on Simple Graphs

This paper addresses combined location/routing problems defined on trees. Several problems are studied, which consider service demand both at the vertices and the edges of the input tree. Greedy type optimal heuristics are presented for the cases when all vertices have to be visited and facilities have no set-up costs. Facilities set-up costs can also … Read more

Constraint Programming for LNG Ship Scheduling and Inventory Management

We propose a constraint programming approach for the optimization of inventory routing in the liquefied natural gas industry. We present two constraint programming models that rely on a disjunctive scheduling representation of the problem. We also propose an iterative search heuristic to generate good feasible solutions for these models. Computational results on a set of … Read more

Solution Methods for the Multi-trip Elementary Shortest Path Problem with Resource Constraints

We investigate the multi-trip elementary shortest path problem (MESPPRC) with resource constraints in which the objective is to find a shortest path between a source node and a sink node such that nodes other than the specified replenishment node are visited at most once and resource constraints are not violated. After each visit to the … Read more

A biased random-key genetic algorithm for routing and wavelength assignment

The problem of routing and wavelength assignment (RWA) in wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) optical networks consists in routing a set of lightpaths and assigning a wavelength to each of them, such that lightpaths whose routes share a common fiber are assigned different wavelengths. This problem was shown to be NP-hard when the objective is to … Read more