An Exact Cutting Plane Method for hBcsubmodular Function Maximization

A natural and important generalization of submodularity—$k$-submodularity—applies to set functions with $k$ arguments and appears in a broad range of applications, such as infrastructure design, machine learning, and healthcare. In this paper, we study maximization problems with $k$-submodular objective functions. We propose valid linear inequalities, namely the $k$-submodular inequalities, for the hypograph of any $k$-submodular … Read more

Iteration-complexity of an inner accelerated inexact proximal augmented Lagrangian method based on the classical Lagrangian function and a full Lagrange multiplier update

This paper establishes the iteration-complexity of an inner accelerated inexact proximal augmented Lagrangian (IAPIAL) method for solving linearly constrained smooth nonconvex composite optimization problems which is based on the classical Lagrangian function and, most importantly, performs a full Lagrangian multiplier update, i.e., no shrinking factor is incorporated on it. More specifically, each IAPIAL iteration consists … Read more