The Edge-based Contiguous p-median Problem with Connections to Logistics Districting

This paper introduces the edge-based contiguous p-median (ECpM) problem to partition the roads in a network into a given number of compact and contiguous territories. Two binary programming models are introduced, both of which incorporate a network distance. The first model requires an exponential number of cut set-based constraints to model contiguity; it is paired … Read more

Polynomial-Time Algorithms for Setting Tight Big-M Coefficients in Transmission Expansion Planning with Disconnected Buses

The increasing penetration of renewable energy into power systems necessitates the development of effective methodologies to integrate initially disconnected generation sources into the grid. This paper introduces the Longest Shortest-Path-Connection (LSPC) algorithm, a graph-based method to enhance the mixed-integer linear programming disjunctive formulation of Transmission Expansion Planning (TEP) using valid inequalities (VIs). Traditional approaches for … Read more

An Axiomatic Distance Methodology for Aggregating Multimodal Evaluations

This work introduces a multimodal data aggregation methodology featuring optimization models and algorithms for jointly aggregating heterogenous ordinal and cardinal evaluation inputs into a consensus evaluation. Mathematical modeling components are derived to enforce three types of logical couplings between the collective ordinal and cardinal evaluations: Rating and ranking preferences, numerical and ordinal estimates, and rating … Read more

A new binary programming formulation and social choice property for Kemeny rank aggregation

Rank aggregation is widely used in group decision-making and many other applications where it is of interest to consolidate heterogeneous ordered lists. Oftentimes, these rankings may involve a large number of alternatives, contain ties, and/or be incomplete, all of which complicate the use of robust aggregation methods. In particular, these characteristics have limited the applicability … Read more

Risk-Neutral and Risk-Averse Transmission Switching for Load Shed Recovery

Maintaining an uninterrupted supply of electricity is a fundamental goal of power systems operators. However, due to critical outage events, customer demand or load is at times disconnected or shed temporarily. While deterministic optimization models have been devised to help operators expedite load shed recovery by harnessing the flexibility of the grid’s topology (i.e., transmission … Read more