K-Shortest Simple Paths Using Biobjective Path Search

In this paper we introduce a new algorithm for the k-Shortest Simple Paths (k-SSP) problem with an asymptotic running time matching the state of the art from the literature. It is based on a black-box algorithm due to Roddity and Zwick that solves at most 2k instances of the Second Shortest Simple Path (2-SSP) problem … Read more

Targeted Multiobjective Dijkstra Algorithm

In this paper, we introduce the Targeted Multiobjective Dijkstra Algorithm (T-MDA), a label setting algorithm for the One-to-One Multiobjective Shortest Path (MOSP) Problem. The T-MDA is based on the recently published Multiobjective Dijkstra Algorithm (MDA) and equips it with A*-like techniques. The resulting speedup is comparable to the speedup that the original A* algorithm achieves … Read more

The Freight Train Routing Problem

We consider the following freight train routing problem (FTRP). Given is a transportation network with fixed routes for passenger trains and a set of freight trains (requests), each defined by an origin and destination station pair. The objective is to calculate a feasible route for each freight train such that a sum of all expected … Read more