Robust Nonconvex Optimization for Simulation-based Problems

In engineering design, an optimized solution often turns out to be suboptimal, when implementation errors are encountered. While the theory of robust convex optimization has taken significant strides over the past decade, all approaches fail if the underlying cost function is not explicitly given; it is even worse if the cost function is nonconvex. In … Read more

Optimal data fitting: a moment approach

We propose a moment relaxation for two problems, the separation and covering problem with semi-algebraic sets generated by a polynomial of degree d. We show that (a) the optimal value of the relaxation finitely converges to the optimal value of the original problem, when the moment order r increases and (b) there exist probability measures … Read more

Multivariate exponential integral approximations: a moment approach

We propose a method to approximate a class of exponential multivariate integrals using moment relaxations. Using this approach, both lower and upper bounds of the integrals are obtained and we show that these bound values asymptotically converge to the real value of the integrals when the moment degree r increases. We further demonstrate the method … Read more

A Data-Driven Approach to Newsvendor Problems

We propose an approach to the classical newsvendor problem and its extensions subject to uncertain demand that: (a) works directly with data, i.e., combines historical data and optimization in a single framework, (b) yields robust solutions and incorporates risk preferences using one scalar parameter, rather than utility functions, (c) allows for tractable formulations, specifically, linear … Read more

Robust and Data-Driven Optimization: Modern Decision-Making Under Uncertainty

Traditional models of decision-making under uncertainty assume perfect information, i.e., accurate values for the system parameters and specific probability distributions for the random variables. However, such precise knowledge is rarely available in practice, and a strategy based on erroneous inputs might be infeasible or exhibit poor performance when implemented. The purpose of this tutorial is … Read more