Mixed-Integer Bilevel Optimization with Nonconvex Quadratic Lower-Level Problems: Complexity and a Solution Method

We study bilevel problems with a convex quadratic mixed-integer upper-level and a nonconvex quadratic, purely continuous lower-level problem. We prove $\Sigma_p^2$-hardness of this class of problems, derive an iterative lower- and upper-bounding scheme, and show its finiteness and correctness in the sense that it computes globally optimal points or proves infeasibility of the instance. To … Read more

Using Disjunctive Cuts in a Branch-and-Cut Method to Solve Convex Integer Nonlinear Bilevel Problems

We present a branch-and-cut method for solving convex integer nonlinear bilevel problems, i.e., bilevel models with nonlinear but convex objective functions and constraints in both the upper and the lower level. To this end, we generalize the idea of using disjunctive cuts to cut off integer-feasible but bilevel-infeasible points. These cuts can be obtained by … Read more

A Penalty Branch-and-Bound Method for Mixed-Integer Quadratic Bilevel Problems

We propose an algorithm for solving bilevel problems with mixed-integer convex-quadratic upper level as well as convex-quadratic and continuous lower level. The method is based on a classic branch-and-bound procedure, where branching is performed on the integer constraints and on the complementarity constraints resulting from the KKT reformulation of the lower-level problem. However, instead of … Read more