Optimality Conditions and Constraint Qualifications for Generalized Nash Equilibrium Problems and their Practical Implications

Generalized Nash Equilibrium Problems (GNEPs) are a generalization of the classic Nash Equilibrium Problems (NEPs), where each player’s strategy set depends on the choices of the other players. In this work we study constraint qualifications and optimality conditions tailored for GNEPs and we discuss their relations and implications for global convergence of algorithms. Surprisingly, differently … Read more

Sequential equality-constrained optimization for nonlinear programming

A new method is proposed for solving optimization problems with equality constraints and bounds on the variables. In the spirit of Sequential Quadratic Programming and Sequential Linearly-Constrained Programming, the new method approximately solves, at each iteration, an equality-constrained optimization problem. The bound constraints are handled in outer iterations by means of an Augmented Lagrangian scheme. … Read more

Assessing the reliability of general-purpose Inexact Restoration methods

Inexact Restoration methods have been proved to be effective to solve constrained optimization problems in which some structure of the feasible set induces a natural way of recovering feasibility from arbitrary infeasible points. Sometimes natural ways of dealing with minimization over tangent approximations of the feasible set are also employed. A recent paper [N. Banihashemi … Read more

A Flexible Inexact Restoration Method and Application to Optimization with Multiobjective Constraints under Weighted-Sum Scalarization

We introduce a new flexible Inexact-Restoration (IR) algorithm and an application to problems with multiobjective constraints (MOCP) under the weighted-sum scalarization approach. In IR methods each iteration has two phases. In the first phase one aims to improve the feasibility and, in the second phase, one minimizes a suitable objective function. This is done in … Read more

Inexact Restoration method for Derivative-Free Optimization with smooth constraints

A new method is introduced for solving constrained optimization problems in which the derivatives of the constraints are available but the derivatives of the objective function are not. The method is based on the Inexact Restoration framework, by means of which each iteration is divided in two phases. In the first phase one considers only … Read more